Wildlife Hero Image

Britain’s wildlife is varied, can create the most beautiful scenery and is more important to our everyday lives and well-being than we often realise.

Our stunning wildlife titles can help you to not only understand more about the wildlife in your garden and surrounding countryside, but also to show you what you can see and how to find it.

From beautiful books full of incredible photographs of all kinds of wild animals, to guides to advice about encouraging wildlife in your own garden, there will be something to interest anyone with a passion for wildlife and its preservation.

London's Royal Parks
Format: Hardback
Pages: 208
ISBN: 9781036117320
Pub Date: 28 Feb 2025

Format: Hardback

Pub Date: 28 Feb 2025

Pages: 208

ISBN: 9781036117320

Description: London’s Royal Parks are among its most beautiful and beloved spaces: just as much as the Houses of Parliament, Buckingham Palace or St Pancras Station, the mere mention of Hyde Park or Greenwich Park is enough to evoke the capital in all its glory for residents and tourists alike. They have a magnificent history – some were royally owned as far back as the Norman conquest, others were acquired by Henry VIII during the Reformation and were great hunting grounds for successive monarchs – and since being opened to the public, they have hosted some of London’s great events, including the Great Exhibition in Hyde Park and innumerable jubilees, international games and competitions and celebrations. Today, the Royal Parks are visited by over 77 million visitors. But what are the ingredients of these magnificent green spaces? We often think of wider landscapes of trees, grass, lakes, meandering footways, bedding displays and herbaceous borders. But the Royal Parks are much more than this. Defined as ‘parkitecture’, we find royal palaces, stately homes, villas, monuments, memorials, statues of national figures and war heroes, public art, often controversial yet inspiring, sculpture, bandstands, gates and railings of exquisite designs, fountains, refreshments rooms, lodges and pavilions, bridges and boathouses. Each of the Royal Parks is defined by its ‘parkitecture’, from the formality of Regent’s and St James’s Parks to the rurality of Bushy and Richmond Parks. This new book is a long overdue complete celebration of the many buildings and monuments of London’s Royal Parks with over 250 beautiful illustrations.
RRP: £26.00
The Secret Life of Salmon
Format: Hardback
Pages: 144
ISBN: 9781399011969
Pub Date: 16 Aug 2024

Format: Hardback

Pub Date: 16 Aug 2024

Pages: 144

ISBN: 9781399011969

Description: "Via philosophy, technique and knowledge, Giles encourages the reader to question and ponder, sharing expert insight.” - The Field (Alexandra Henton, editor). The Secret Life of Salmon is something both personal and intimate, and macro and global. The life story of Atlantic, Chum, Sockeye, King, Silver and Pink salmon, has gripped the human consciousness since the dawn of time. Now we have a new interactive angle on the existential eco status of the king of fish. A mirror held up to our warming world - via science, sporting and aquacultural viewpoints. This book takes in the start of a salmon’s life cycle with gravel covered eggs hatching in a specific river pool, we hear fascinating secrets with a backdrop of the time-lapsed seasons changing overhead and specified times of year. We follow the salmon's epic journey of quest through icy and wild northern waters to its conclusion in an upland stream. Read about the great success stories of conservation - the 21st-century buy-out of drift-nets in British and Irish waters; the application of ranching in the vast waters of the Alaskan-Pacific. The groundbreaking smolt tracking methods using cutting edge science applied on famous but threatened salmon populations from New Brunswick streams to Moray Firth rivers and out to sea. A sustainable future for these iconic fish? The answer is here including the latest on new technology and significance and legacy of COP26 in Glasgow, taking in the road to COP 27 and beyond. Predators. Size of river. Numbers. Withering in-river predation from mergansers, goosanders and mink, then grey seals, dolphins and orcas in salmons' marine iteration. How do fish in your chosen location fare compared to salmon elsewhere? The answer is here. Bringing it back home: the pods of muscled chrome-silver salmon nosing back into tidal reaches of their home river to spawn. A map in its head, a smell of the water. Nature's wisdom staggering runs of fish back on an imperative they can’t ignore? This book, with its unique pictures is a visual, technical, philosophical and emotional feast and a serious call to arms. New light is shed on new events, new scientific and environmental projects, and the foreword by Dr Paul Rouse FRSA, who worked with the Carnegie Climate Governance Initiative as its science adviser, sets an epoch defining moment for the salmon and its secrets. Praise for How To Catch More Salmon (White Owl Books, 2019): "Devoted salmon fisher Henry Giles has written a book to help others catch the elusive kings of the river. Try it… you might just get hooked.” - The Scotsman
The Secret Life of Birds of Prey
Format: Hardback
Pages: 168
ISBN: 9781399093248
Pub Date: 02 Nov 2023

Format: Hardback

Pub Date: 02 Nov 2023

Pages: 168

ISBN: 9781399093248

Description: Enter the fascinating world of the UK’s birds of prey. These noble hunters, with their remarkable flying skills, good looks and mysterious ways, are amongst our most attractive and interesting wildlife. They are some of the most enigmatic and rare species too, and this book will reveal them to you. Learn about the falcons, hawks, kites, osprey and eagles that grace our skies and landscape – from their impact on our culture in past and recent times, their value and uses in falconry, the history of their persecution and decline at the hands of humans, to their return to the UK through our reintroduction and conservation efforts. Admire their beauty up close with gorgeous photography and take an extraordinary peek into their secretive world. Be inspired by the moving words of people across the UK, who have described their thrilling, first-hand encounters, and discover where you can ethically experience these birds for yourself, to form an enduring connection with nature and make memories that will last a lifetime. This accessible and inspiring guide will help you to uncover the details of the habits, habitat, behaviour and diet (and much more) of our UK birds of prey, and show you how they bring delight and magic into our lives.
The Secret Life of Foxes
Format: Hardback
Pages: 152
ISBN: 9781399093392
Pub Date: 04 Apr 2023

Format: Hardback

Pub Date: 04 Apr 2023

Pages: 152

ISBN: 9781399093392

Description: Have you ever spotted a fox and wondered where it was going? Or perhaps you want to know what all the commotion was about when they woke you up the other night with their ear-piercing screams? Or maybe you just want to know how you can tell if these elusive mammals have visited your back garden when you weren’t looking? The Secret Life of Foxes contains everything you need to know (and everything you didn’t know that you needed to know!) about these beautiful opportunists. From identifying the various species of fox found around the world to learning about their anatomy and super sharp senses, as well as finding out more about our relationship with them – both past and present – get ready to become a fox expert with every page you turn. The Secret Life of Foxes is for anyone who wants to learn and understand more about the animals we share this fragile planet with – especially the creatures we are able to spot a little closer to home. With useful tips on how to help the foxes near you and lots of other ways in which you can show your support, there’s so much to learn that you won’t want to put this book down for a single second.
What is that Plant?
Format: Hardback
Pages: 240
ISBN: 9781399006163
Pub Date: 15 Mar 2023

Format: Hardback

Pub Date: 15 Mar 2023

Pages: 240

ISBN: 9781399006163

Description: Spring is the most captivating season of the year for both novice and veteran gardeners as green shoots emerge from bare earth, announcing the promise of beautiful blooms to come. But have you ever found yourself crouched beside a flower bed, puzzling over which plants exactly are pushing their way through the soil? Difficult, but by no means impossible – and this is where this picture-led book, jam-packed with useful information, compelling facts and identification tips for beginners, is at hand. Cataloguing 150 common garden plants found in Britain and Europe, the book covers perennials, flowers, shrubs, weeds and wildflowers as well as a unique section on self-seeding plants, which merrily spread about our gardens and can prove difficult to identify. As well as satisfying your curiosity, identifying the plants in your outdoor space will help you get the most out of your plot. Without knowing which flowers, herbs, shrubs or weeds you are working with, it is impossible to give your garden or allotment the care it needs to thrive. And even those without the luxury of their own outdoor space will find interesting insights on plant names and origins alongside intriguing historical tidbits in this engaging field guide, from the connection between daffodils and dementia in Wales to the controversial history of the hawthorn tree. In this comprehensive directory, you’ll find garden plants organised according to type with hands-on advice for identifying the mystery interlopers in your borders, and information about their height, spread, flowering period and toxicity. Discover a wide array of British garden plants, with practical tips for their care and uses.
Medieval Plants and their Uses
Format: Hardback
Pages: 184
ISBN: 9781526794581
Pub Date: 06 Mar 2023

Format: Hardback

Pub Date: 06 Mar 2023

Pages: 184

ISBN: 9781526794581

Description: Plants were an essential part of medieval life. Most people lived in houses made of wood and thatch, which often accidentally burned down when they cooked their food or huddled over wood fires to keep warm. People wore linen clothing dyed with plants. They drank ale, cider and wine as they danced to music played on wooden instruments. Beauty, love and seduction could all be made easier with a few herbal preparations. If you became ill, plants provided many of the cures. The unwary may have mistaken a poisonous plant for one that was good to eat, with fatal consequence. Others may have used the poisonous plant to remove an unwanted rival. Some plants had magical properties. The mysterious mandrake could kill anybody who tried to dig it up without taking the appropriate precautions. Demons could be summoned or dismissed by the aid of plants. The church used powerful incense to clean the air and induce a sense of religious euphoria. This book is designed to give a broad introduction to the plants that were used during the medieval period. With many colourful photos, a list of plants that were available and some original medieval recipes to try, you can set out on an adventure to explore the wonderful world of medieval plants.
Recycling in the Garden
Format: Paperback
Pages: 160
ISBN: 9781399001830
Pub Date: 08 Nov 2022

Format: Paperback

Pub Date: 08 Nov 2022

Pages: 160

ISBN: 9781399001830

Description: People are becoming more aware of the environment and their impact on it. Over the past decades we have become an increasingly consumerist based society. From a world in which recycling was common, single use became the norm. This throwaway society is unsustainable. Sustainable gardening results in the creation of an environmentally friendly area in which natural predators thrive and soils are naturally replenished. Discover innovative and simple ways of recycling everything from water to materials in the garden. Practical examples show recycling in action turning unwanted items into useful features such as bottle edging, footpaths made from tyres, garden forks into table lamps, broken pottery to mosaics and tree roots into lush garden stumperies. Recycling, reusing and upcycling in the garden can make a difference helping you save money by using less water, making your own compost, choosing energy efficient equipment and by giving everyday items a totally new function. Instead of a throwaway society, we are increasingly looking at ways of reducing our use of increasingly scarce resources, turning plastic into paths, using solar energy and conserving water. Natural recycling of plant material and sustainable gardening is increasingly popular. This book helps search for creative ideas that can conserve resources, and save you money. Water is no longer cheap, so the book suggests many ways that you can re-use water and get free rainwater. The book helps you with places you may not think of looking for free and cheap material, such as reclamation yards, factories, restaurants and hospitals. Let your imagination run free without needing much skill and without breaking the bank.
The Secret Life of a Woodland Habitat 
Format: Hardback
Pages: 128
ISBN: 9781399093347
Pub Date: 28 Oct 2022

Format: Hardback

Pub Date: 28 Oct 2022

Pages: 128

ISBN: 9781399093347

Description: Delve deep into the trees and find wonder in our UK woodlands. Step back from the pressures of everyday life and reconnect with nature and its mindful magic with this absorbing and engaging guide. Learn what you can see at different times of the year and recognise the stunning trees, flowers and plants, multi-hued birds and insects, and mysterious mammals that call these habitats home. Soon you will be marvelling at rutting deer, soaking up the view of beautiful bluebells, and entering the world of bumbling badgers and fantastic foxes, while also enjoying the rapturous sound of glorious birdsong. Press pause on your modern worries and go back to your ancestors’ roots by foraging for nuts and berries. Become aware of the signs that indicate one season transforming into another. Search for fairytale mushrooms and at the same time understand why they are essential to our environment. Discover the science, history and folklore associated with the oak, ash and birch. On your seasonal adventures through our enigmatic woodlands, be humbled by their importance to our interconnected ecosystem, and be inspired to protect these precious places for the betterment of the world. This accessible guide, with its attractive and original photos, will help you to build an everlasting bond with your local wildlife and woodlands, thus enriching your well-being and life.
Grow Your Own Food
Format: Paperback
Pages: 128
ISBN: 9781399001793
Pub Date: 02 Sep 2022

Format: Paperback

Pub Date: 02 Sep 2022

Pages: 128

ISBN: 9781399001793

Description: This beginner’s guide to growing your own food is the perfect introduction to homegrown planting and growing. Whether you live in a flat or a field it will furnish you with all the information you need to plant the seeds of your first vegetables and gather the eggs from your pet chickens. It is a jam-packed, how-to, step-by-step guide on how to grow food and keep chickens, which will set you up with everything you need to begin your journey. It is important to note even with this book at your disposal, growing vegetables is still a process of trial and error. But don’t let that put you off, because every trial and error is a wonderful learning curve. Eating homegrown food is one of the most rewarding, delicious experiences, and no food tastes better than your own homegrown food. Let’s not forget the sense of triumph felt watching seeds grow into plants and the plants provide food to harvest. You don’t need to be an experienced gardener to grow vegetables, you simply need the basic components of pot, soil, seed, light and water, then you can watch your seeds grow into delicious edibles. Everything you need to know to kickstart your new hobby is in this handy sized guide.
A Practical Guide to Camping
Format: Paperback
Pages: 152
ISBN: 9781399014342
Pub Date: 01 Aug 2022

Format: Paperback

Pub Date: 01 Aug 2022

Pages: 152

ISBN: 9781399014342

Description: Whether you want to take the family for a low-cost, stress-free campsite break and are not sure where to start, or you long to disappear into the wilderness to sleep under the stars and get closer to nature, this practical guide contains everything you need to know. From comfort camping to backpacking bliss, it is packed with sensible advice and crafty tips. Find out how to choose the perfect tent or shelter, sleeping bag, rucksack, stove system or pitching spot, and discover ways to entertain the kids, what to cook and how to make certain your drinking water is safe. Create holiday memories the whole family will remember for the right reasons, wild camp without breaking the rules or harming the environment, embark on lightweight backpacking adventures, or go exploring by bike, boat or paddleboard. No matter what form your camping dreams take, this book will equip you with the knowledge and confidence to make them a reality.
The Secret Life of the Adder
Format: Hardback
Pages: 168
ISBN: 9781399018166
Pub Date: 30 May 2022

Format: Hardback

Pub Date: 30 May 2022

Pages: 168

ISBN: 9781399018166

Description: In 2019 the most comprehensive survey ever of adders was published. According to ‘Make the Adder Count’ the species will disappear from most of Britain in the next 15-20 years unless we take action now to save it. But despite being a priority conservation species under the Biodiversity Action Plan, not a single nature reserve in Britain has been specifically designated to protect it. Throughout our history we have systematically persecuted the adder over generations because it is Britain’s only venomous snake. Now the adder population is in dire straits, its rapidly declining numbers occurring on increasingly small, isolated and fragmented sites. According to Make the Adder Count 90% of the sites where it still occurs have 10 or less adult snakes and are now considered to be very vulnerable to local extinction. Despite the adder population being in dire straits, it is still not too late to save it if we act now. This book contains a 10 point adder action plan which if implemented could help to restore the adder to its former range across Britain. Using many unique photographs of the species published for the first time, it also contains a history of the adder and reveals its secret life which has made it the most successful snake in the world. With a foreword by Iolo Williams, the BBC Springwatch presenter, this book is a story of our times, one which typifies the age of extinction through which we are all living and are all responsible.
Attracting Garden Pollinators
Format: Hardback
Pages: 216
ISBN: 9781526711908
Pub Date: 21 Apr 2022

Format: Hardback

Pub Date: 21 Apr 2022

Pages: 216

ISBN: 9781526711908

Description: Attracting Garden Pollinators is a friendly, accessible, information packed guide to gardening for and with pollinators. Pollinators are in trouble, but our gardens can help. Gardens represent a vast, varied ‘nature reserve’ packed with plants rich in nectar and pollen to sustain these delicate creatures. This book explores the role that pollinators play and how gardeners and people with gardens can do something to help attract and support them. From butterflies (and their caterpillars - with host plant information) to surprising pollinators (moths, wasps, beetles flies and hornets) and of course including honeybees, hoverflies and bumblebees, this book will offer an insight into their fragile existence, lifecycles and their vital role in the food chain and the natural cycle. Jean Vernon is the Best-Selling author of The Secret Lives of Garden Bees.
A Guide to Medieval Gardens
Format: Hardback
Pages: 176
ISBN: 9781526794543
Pub Date: 27 Jan 2022

Format: Hardback

Pub Date: 27 Jan 2022

Pages: 176

ISBN: 9781526794543

Description: Medieval gardens usually rate very few pages in the garden history books. The general perception is still of small gardens in the corner of a castle. Recent research has shown that the gardens were larger than we previously believed. This book contains information and pictures that have not been generally available before, including the theory and practice of medieval horticulture. Many features of later gardens were already a part of medieval gardens. The number of plants was limited, but was still no less than many modern gardeners use in their own gardens today. Yet medieval gardens were imbued with meaning. Whether secular or religious, the additional dimension of symbolism, gave a greater depth to medieval gardens, which is lacking in most modern ones. This book will be of interest to those who know little about medieval gardens and to those with more knowledge. It contains some of the vast amount of research that the author carried out to create the medieval gardens at the Prebendal Manor, Nassington, Northamptonshire. The author has tried to use previously unused sources and included his own practical experience of medieval gardening methods that he carried out to maintain the gardens. Some worked, others certainly didn’t.
How to Frame Your Own Pictures
Format: Paperback
Pages: 120
ISBN: 9781526775719
Pub Date: 03 Nov 2021

Format: Paperback

Pub Date: 03 Nov 2021

Pages: 120

ISBN: 9781526775719

Description: This visually appealing book introduces readers with no previous knowledge of the craft to simple techniques for creative home picture-framing. It shows how investing in a few essential hand tools and basic materials can save you hundreds of pounds on your framing costs, and help you create high-quality handmade gifts for family and friends. Step-by-step photos and easy-to-follow instructions - as well as useful ‘insider tips’ - reveal the secrets of DIY framing. Ten original projects include simple techniques to frame canvases and stretch canvas artworks, make standard frames and box frames using readily available timber, and even craft a 60-minute mirror frame from a plank of wood. You’ll learn techniques for cutting mount-board and glass, and discover the secrets of easy gilding, decoupage and copper embossing to decorate your frames. The Woodland Pie framing style is all about accessible creativity; making easy and appealing frames from basic materials and always using hand-painted or hand-made finishes. Find out how to create a lustrous, versatile, go-to paint effect for your picture frames using nothing other than household emulsion paint, water, and wire wool! This brilliant how-to book cuts out the unnecessary and promises to get you hobby framing in no time – with creative flair.
Yearbook of Astronomy 2022
Format: Paperback
Pages: 352
ISBN: 9781526790057
Pub Date: 04 Oct 2021

Format: Paperback

Pub Date: 04 Oct 2021

Pages: 352

ISBN: 9781526790057

Description: The Yearbook of Astronomy 2022 is the Diamond Jubilee edition of this iconic publication, the annual appearance of which has been eagerly anticipated by astronomers, both amateur and professional, ever since this invaluable book first appeared in 1962. As the preface to the 1962 edition informed its readers, the post-war years had seen a tremendous growth of interest in astronomy and space research. Doubtless fuelled by the dawn of the Space Age, the launch of Sputnik 1 in October 1957 marked a significant change in the course of history. This epoch-making event, coupled with the subsequent flights of Soviet cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin (April 1961) and American astronaut Alan Shepard (May 1961), served to engender a public interest in astronomy and space that has continued to grow and expand to this day. Maintaining its appealing style and presentation, the Yearbook of Astronomy 2022 contains comprehensive jargon-free monthly sky notes and an authoritative set of sky charts to enable backyard astronomers and sky gazers everywhere to plan their viewing of the year’s eclipses, comets, meteor showers and minor planets as well as detailing the phases of the Moon and visibility and locations of the planets throughout the year. To supplement all this is a variety of entertaining and informative articles, a feature for which the Yearbook of Astronomy is known. In the 2022 edition the reader is presented with articles covering a wide range of topics including A History of the Amateur Astronomical Society: 1962 to 2022; Expanding Cosmic Horizons; Frank Drake and His Equation; Remote Telescopes; Skies Over Ancient America and others. The Yearbook of Astronomy continues to be essential reading for anyone lured and fascinated by the magic of astronomy. It remains an inspiration to amateur and professional astronomers alike, and warrants a place on the bookshelf of all stargazers and watchers of the Universe.
The Secret Life of an Arable Field
Format: Hardback
Pages: 256
ISBN: 9781526788443
Pub Date: 09 Sep 2021

Format: Hardback

Pub Date: 09 Sep 2021

Pages: 256

ISBN: 9781526788443

Description: The Field looks at the eco-system of an arable field, complete with photographs from crops, trees, hedgerows and wildflowers, to the wide variety of animals, farmland birds, insects, butterflies and moths that they support; and how they depend on each other; and are all vital for the wonderful environment we need to thrive and enjoy. The book focuses on the relationship between these key species, how they work together and interact with their environment in order to survive. It is about the eco-system and how they all link together, and how every species, no matter how seemingly insignificant, plays a vital part in the food-chain and ultimate survival of all species. For every species referred there is a photograph detailing it, with over 120 colour images throughout the book. The animals and birds that live within this habitat are reported on and the insects; including detailed analysis of bumblebees, honeybees and ants, as well as more hidden species such as the earthworm, are described in their role in life, with in-depth facts and photos. Wildlife, such as badgers, muntjacs, hedgehogs and fallow deer and their habits are detailed, along with birds that survive on farmland and are now sadly becoming rare. Included in this range are corn buntings, skylarks, goldfinches, kestrels, yellow wagtails and jackdaws, although there are many more. The main aim of this book is to give a detailed description of the private life of these creatures and show how they depend upon and work together in harmony, creating the environment that we are so adeptly eradicating. The Government have set out a package of reforms to deliver 300,000 new homes a year by the mid-2020s. Our havens of nature are being destroyed and this book will examine, with photographs and text, what really makes the field a special place, both for wildlife and humans alike.
Make Your Own Indoor Garden
Format: Paperback
Pages: 112
ISBN: 9781526774583
Pub Date: 29 Jun 2021

Format: Paperback

Pub Date: 29 Jun 2021

Pages: 112

ISBN: 9781526774583

Description: This book aims to cover the most commonly asked questions by new plant owners and will help people who want to have more greenery in their lives but don’t know where to start. It will advise on the best plant for a variety of home conditions so that everyone should be able to find plants that suit their space. Having and maintaining an indoor garden can be possible for anyone, the book will give you step by step guides to creating and designing your own terrariums, cacti & succulent gardens and even kokedamas (Japanese for Moss Ball). It will include descriptions of the equipment needed, and how to find this inexpensively so that the hobby is accessible to everyone. Readers of the book will discover a newfound joy of plants and nature as well as learn a brand-new skill. The book will go into detail about what may be causing damage to a plant, and how to look after plants so that they last. It will also focus on how plants can improve physical and mental health, to encourage readers to fill their homes with greenery for practical and aesthetic reasons. The innate human need to be around nature is called Biophilia, and this book will tap into that need without over complicating things. The focus will be on low maintenance, good-looking greenery.
Gardening to Eat
Format: Hardback
Pages: 168
ISBN: 9781526757203
Pub Date: 16 Mar 2021

Format: Hardback

Pub Date: 16 Mar 2021

Pages: 168

ISBN: 9781526757203

Description: Embrace a plant-based lifestyle all the way from seed to plate. This inspiring and informative book takes the mystery out of gardening and reveals how to grow an array of fruits and vegetables using simple, organic techniques. Packed with fresh ideas for turning home-grown produce into delicious, nutritious meals, you'll find heaps of no-nonsense recipes created for real people with busy lives and healthy appetites. No fads, no fuss, no fancy ingredients, just real, honest, ethical food. With a passion for connecting people and plants, Gardening to Eat brings the garden into the kitchen. For people who love food and love to know where it's come from.
Dogs: Working Origins and Traditional Tasks
Format: Hardback
Pages: 352
ISBN: 9781526742308
Pub Date: 02 Nov 2020

Format: Hardback

Pub Date: 02 Nov 2020

Pages: 352

ISBN: 9781526742308

Description: With his signature hands-on style, Mike Loades experiences what it is like to handle various dogs engaged in their traditional tasks. These adventures take him to the Jordanian desert, where he shares the saddle of his camel with a Saluki and to the green hills of Wales, where he works cattle with a Corgi. He mushes Huskies in Alaska, drives carriages with Dalmatians and flies falcons with Spaniels. Each encounter not only highlights the bond between humans and dogs, it also frames that connection in its historical context. Different types of dogs appear the way they do because, at some stage in their development, they were bred selectively for a specialist job. The author takes key types on a walk through history. Along the way he explores the methods and practices of their original occupations. He delves into when, where and why they were first bred as the types we recognize today. The fascinating and engaging text is supported by over 250 stunning colour photographs of dogs in action. It results in an illuminating journey through many cultures and time periods. This book is a personal and heartfelt tribute to the enduring partnership between humans and dogs.
Floral Embroidery
Format: Paperback
Pages: 104
ISBN: 9781526759580
Pub Date: 07 Aug 2020

Format: Paperback

Pub Date: 07 Aug 2020

Pages: 104

ISBN: 9781526759580

Description: This inspirational book features 10 beautiful floral embroidery designs. Each project features easy-to-follow steps, detailed photographic walk-throughs and templates to trace on your fabric. Starting with basic projects for compete beginners, you’ll build on your embroidery skills by learning new embroidery stitches and techniques. Once you’ve mastered all the stitches, you’ll be ready to tackle the more detailed and intricate designs. Stitched in beautiful muted colours, each project is inspired by a Shakespearean quote and celebrate the author’s love of flowers. A beautiful modern take on an ages-old traditional skill.
The Secret Lives of Garden Bees
Format: Paperback
Pages: 192
ISBN: 9781526766519
Pub Date: 17 Jun 2020

Format: Paperback

Pub Date: 17 Jun 2020

Pages: 192

ISBN: 9781526766519

Description: A friendly, accessible insight into the weird, but wonderful world of the bees you may find in your garden. From the common or garden bumblebees that nest in bird boxes, compost heaps and old mouse holes, making ‘Winnie the Pooh’ style honey pots to feed their babes, to the quirky wool carder bee; a solitary bee that combs the fluff from garden plants to line her brood cells and the amazing leaf-cutter bee that carves chunks out of plant foliage to seal its egg chambers. This book will reveal the secrets and fascinating lives of the bees that live and breed in your garden, from buzz pollination, to the bee robbers that cheat the plants and steal nectar by stealth. With a seasonal guide to explore what you are likely to see in your garden, great plants to grow to help them, plus other fascinating information on these secretive creatures, this book is designed to bring alive the world of garden bees before your very eyes.
Rare British Breeds
Format: Hardback
Pages: 256
ISBN: 9781526763631
Pub Date: 16 Mar 2020

Format: Hardback

Pub Date: 16 Mar 2020

Pages: 256

ISBN: 9781526763631

Description: Rare British Breeds is a book inspired by the Rare Breed Survival Trust Watchlist, which is published annually, listing the species of sheep, cattle, horses, pigs, goats and poultry (chickens, turkeys, ducks and geese) that are endangered in the United Kingdom. This information is gathered from breed societies and lists the number of breeding females alive, along with their conservation status. Each species, regardless of their origin, is unique to the UK, either through cross breeding or by evolution. There are good reasons for wanting to keep these breeds alive; not just the genetic makeup of these creatures which means many are able to survive and thrive in very formidable conditions - a prerequisite for enduring possible future environmental disasters. Once gone, these genes will never be able to be replaced. They have taken thousands of years to develop. The book looks at the history of every breed, with their evolutionary roots, development over time, exportation, cross breeding and changing relationship to mankind as farming techniques react to societal shifts. Their particular physical characteristics such as meat, wool, milk, eggs or ability to pull great weights are discussed as well as their conservation status and the national and international efforts being made to ensure their survival.
100 Great Wildlife Experiences
Format: Hardback
Pages: 234
ISBN: 9781526723550
Pub Date: 17 Jul 2019

Format: Hardback

Pub Date: 17 Jul 2019

Pages: 234

ISBN: 9781526723550

Description: There are many guides to the the world’s great wildlife experiences, but the UK is neglected and this book sets out to remedy this. 100 Great Wildlife Experiences really takes in all the amazing things to see and do in the UK, in all seasons – because winter, of course, can be just as good as summer or spring. The 100 experiences to be had here in the UK are placed in categories such as “Best for families”, "Best for Couples", “Best on a budget” and so on. Covering every county in the country, this book is useful for people who want to explore their local area and surrounding counties, and for those in need of an insightful guide to take on their travels.
How to Catch More Salmon
Format: Hardback
Pages: 166
ISBN: 9781526729897
Pub Date: 07 May 2019

Format: Hardback

Pub Date: 07 May 2019

Pages: 166

ISBN: 9781526729897

Description: How to Catch More Salmon is about fishing according to the application of principles and practicalities that will not stop at a first salmon, but go on to catching more salmon, whether or not that is your final destination. It is not unique to fishing that a beginner can coexist with the expert and at times enjoy near-parity in terms of sporting success. But as Charles Ritz wrote in his quirky and brilliant classic, A Fly Fisher's Life: 'More than all else, I like watching other fishers, and examining their tackle. In helping beginners, I often learn as much as they do.' Whether your passion for fishing takes you globe trotting (like Ritz) or not, this book invites you along for the experience, while sharing sporting insight at all levels, including luminaries of today's on and offline media. It is an aim of the book that this melting pot will draw real results from the techniques and conclusions that emerge, in terms of fish caught and opportunities taken. Think and catch more fish is a central theme, but to enjoy the sport via more nuanced and philosophical aspects is key. Get it, teach it and share it, in the UK and Ireland but also on the rivers of Norway, Canada and Russia. Enhance the common good and turn the dream of a fishing lifetime into new reality with the rest of us.
Indoor Wildlife
Format: Hardback
Pages: 85
ISBN: 9781526729736
Pub Date: 06 Mar 2019

Format: Hardback

Pub Date: 06 Mar 2019

Pages: 85

ISBN: 9781526729736

Description: Indoor Wildlife is a book that looks at our houses and other buildings from the point of view of wild animals and plants. Some come indoors to hibernate, some come indoors to find food and others come indoors to set up home. Still others use the walls and roofs of our homes, as well as our garages, sheds and outhouses. All-in-all, we share our homes with all kinds of fauna and flora. Some species can be tolerated, while others can be a nuisance or even harmful. Ultimately, our homes offer artificial habitats to these species, so they accept the invitation. Controlling them is a matter of understanding their ecological requirements.
The Giant Otter
Format: Hardback
Pages: 216
ISBN: 9781526711748
Pub Date: 25 Feb 2019

Format: Hardback

Pub Date: 25 Feb 2019

Pages: 216

ISBN: 9781526711748

Description: The aptly named giant otter is exceptionally well adapted to life in rivers, lakes and wetlands in tropical South America. Known in Spanish as lobo del rio or 'river wolf', it can be as long as a human is tall, and is the most social of the world's thirteen otter species. Each individual is identifiable from birth by its pale throat pattern, as unique as your fingerprint. Giant otters are top carnivores of the Amazon rainforest and have little to fear... except man. There are many reasons why scientists and tourists alike are fascinated by this charismatic species. Spend a day in the life of a close-knit giant otter family and you’ll realise why. Learn about their diet and hunting techniques, marking and denning behaviour, and breeding and cub-rearing strategies, including shared care of the youngest members. Become familiar with the complex life histories of individual otters over their 15-year lifespans. And accompany a young disperser during the trials and tribulations of a year spent looking for a mate and a home of its own. Although giant otters have few natural enemies, they became the target of the international pelt trade in the 1940s, and by the early 1970s had been hunted to the brink of extinction. Today, illegal hunting is a minor hazard. So why is the giant otter still endangered? Find out about current threats to the species and discover how a variety of conservation actions are benefiting the otters over the last decades. Then be a part of the solution by acting on the steps we can all take to help further giant otter conservation.
Garden Wildlife
Format: Hardback
Pages: 136
ISBN: 9781526729699
Pub Date: 11 Feb 2019

Format: Hardback

Pub Date: 11 Feb 2019

Pages: 136

ISBN: 9781526729699

Description: Garden Wildlife is a book that looks at the habitats in our gardens from the point of view of wild animal and plants. If we understand our gardens in this way, then we can appreciate that different parts of our gardens essentially mimic wild habitats in microcosm. This means that we can provide places for wild animals and plants to flourish in our gardens, whether they happen to be in rural, suburban or urban settings. Above all, we need to get away from the current obsession with tidiness and sterility in our gardens, and allow odd corners to go wild, so that our native species can live alongside us in the modern world. Without wildlife to discover and observe in our gardens, our lives are impoverished, so we have a duty to ourselves and our children to invite nature back into our outside spaces.
The Super Organic Gardener
Format: Paperback
Pages: 120
ISBN: 9781526737472
Pub Date: 30 Jan 2019

Format: Paperback

Pub Date: 30 Jan 2019

Pages: 120

ISBN: 9781526737472

Description: If you care about what you eat, you should care about how you grow it. Gardeners can demonstrate that by going beyond organics to veganics - growing without animal inputs - they are a driving force in saving the environment. This book gives you the tools to grow without harming the planet and animals, and explains why moving beyond organics towards super organic vegan gardening is the way to show you are genuinely concerned about environmental issues and the industrial commodification of living, sentient creatures. From advice about how to make and buy natural fertilisers and compost, to putting nutritional values on what you grow, and to how to cook it, and how to share your plot with wildlife, this book covers all the bases. The foreword is by RHS Chelsea Flower Show best in show winner Cleve West, who is a passionate vegan gardener. Vegan Organic Network and Garden Organic have backed the book too.
A History of Trees
Format: Hardback
Pages: 216
ISBN: 9781526701596
Pub Date: 12 Dec 2018

Format: Hardback

Pub Date: 12 Dec 2018

Pages: 216

ISBN: 9781526701596

Description: Have you ever wondered how trees got their names? What did our ancestors think about trees, and how were they used in the past? This fascinating book will answer many of your questions, but also reveal interesting stories that are not widely known. For example, the nut from which tree was predicted to pay off the UK’s national debt? Or why is Europe’s most popular pear called the ‘conference’? Simon Wills tells the history of twenty-eight common trees in an engaging and entertaining way, and every chapter is illustrated with his photographs. Find out why the London plane tree is so frequently planted in our cities, and how our forebears were in awe of the magical properties of hawthorn. Where is Britain’s largest conker tree? Which tree was believed to protect you against both lightning and witchcraft? The use of bay tree leaves as a sign of victory by athletes in ancient Greece led to them being subsequently adopted by many others – from Roman emperors to the Royal Marines. But why were willow trees associated with Alexander Pope, Napoleon Bonaparte, and Samuel Johnson? Why did Queen Anne pay a large sum for a cutting from a walnut tree in Somerset? Discover the answers to these and many other intriguing tales within the pages of this highly engrossing book.
Yearbook of Astronomy 2019
Format: Paperback
Pages: 328
ISBN: 9781526737038
Pub Date: 12 Dec 2018

Format: Paperback

Pub Date: 12 Dec 2018

Pages: 328

ISBN: 9781526737038

Description: An inspiration to amateur and professional astronomers alike, the Yearbook of Astronomy warrants a place on the bookshelf of all sky watchers and stargazers. Maintaining its appealing style and presentation, the Yearbook of Astronomy 2019 contains an authoritative set of sky charts and comprehensive jargon-free monthly sky notes to enable backyard astronomers everywhere to plan their viewing of the year’s eclipses, comets, meteor showers and deep sky objects. In addition, a variety of entertaining and informative articles present the reader with information on a wide range of topics including, among others, The Cassini-Huygens Mission to the Saturn System; 100 Years of the International Astronomical Union; The First Micro-Quasar; Getting the Measure of Double Stars; Asaph Hall: Man of Mars; and Science Fiction and the Future of Astronomy. The Yearbook of Astronomy has been around for well over half a century and, as it heads towards its Diamond Jubilee edition in 2022, continues to be essential reading for anyone lured by the magic of astronomy and who wants to extend their knowledge of the Universe and the wonders it plays host to.
Hidden Nature
Format: Paperback
Pages: 192
ISBN: 9781526708922
Pub Date: 13 Jun 2018

Format: Paperback

Pub Date: 13 Jun 2018

Pages: 192

ISBN: 9781526708922

Description: “In every walk with nature, one receives far more than he seeks” – John Muir This is a book about Britain’s wildlife, and how and where to find it. The aim is to show that you don’t have to travel to the nether reaches of the Arctic or the deepest corners of the Amazon rainforest to experience weird and wonderful creatures. They are right here, on our doorstep. You just need to know where to look! In a world where the natural world is slowly being replaced by technology and material things, every single one of us could do with appreciating the flora and fauna that exist on our tiny island. And that starts with spending time in the outdoors; exploring, searching and learning. Teaching ourselves that there is life beyond our laptop screens, and re-discovering our hidden nature. And this nature needs our help. Threatened by climate change, pollution and urban developments, we are losing our amazing wildlife at an alarming rate. But how are we meant to know what to save, if we don’t know what we stand to lose? How can we get passionate about conservation, if we don’t appreciate the wildlife we have at home? This is a guide to finding and appreciating the UK’s wildlife. Written by a young conservationist who refuses to grow up, it details her small adventures travelling the UK in search of wildlife encounters on a shoestring budget. Included are tips and tricks of the trade; advice on wildlife spotting, the best places to find it, and, where possible, how to encourage and conserve our native species. From ancient forests and coastal wilderness, to bustling city streets and your own back garden, nature is everywhere – if you just know where to look. Featuring unique illustrations and photography, Hidden Nature will inspire you to get out there and discover Britain’s wilderness for yourself.
Villager Jim's Highland Cows
Format: Hardback
Pages: 128
ISBN: 9781526706836
Pub Date: 08 May 2018

Format: Hardback

Pub Date: 08 May 2018

Pages: 128

ISBN: 9781526706836

Description: Hugely charismatic, the Highland cattle breed is the focus of this photographic tribute to one of Britain’s most popular farm animals. These long-horned, curly coated cows are amongst the many now famous subjects featured in Villager Jim’s daily online photographic adventures, which have gained nearly 200,000 followers. Jim often wanders amongst the herds throughout the seasons, taking shots from many different angles as they graze on moorland, heathland, woodland copses and lush green farmland. Getting close to one to photograph is always a respectful journey; although they are normally very peaceful animals, Jim is always mindful to stay within their field of view and not invade their space too much. Despite rarely seeing their eyes, many of Jim’s shots have a comedy element to them, with the cows’ fondness for constant nose cleaning and their serious but amusing expressions semi-hidden behind masses of tangly hair. Through this book, Jim is very proud to help grow the following for this most beautiful breed of cattle.
How to Grow and Eat Your Own Super Foods
Format: Paperback
Pages: 160
ISBN: 9781526714336
Pub Date: 11 Apr 2018

Format: Paperback

Pub Date: 11 Apr 2018

Pages: 160

ISBN: 9781526714336

Description: ''Gardening is where science meets art, where nature meets nurture and where food and health unite.'' In an age of clean eating and fad diets, the term super food has become synonymous with inflated prices and overstated claims about the disease-fighting, anti-aging, life-enhancing powers of certain foods. Sales of fruits and vegetables like kale, beetroot and blueberries have rocketed, but why spend money on products that have travelled miles around the country or even the globe only to sit in a supermarket wrapped in plastic for days, when you could grow your own? This lively, engaging book weeds out the hype and unearths the secrets of what makes a food a super food. Discover a wide array of fruits and vegetables all with their own super qualities, and learn how to sow and plant them yourself, free from chemicals and full of goodness. In the comprehensive directory of crops you'll find information about the nutritional benefits of an A to Z of fruits and vegetables, followed by practical advice for planting and growing, plus mouthwatering recipes for making the most of your harvest. Experience the delight of following your food's journey from seed to plate, and the gratification of picking and eating your own produce. Indulge your taste buds with tasty, nutritious meals, where the key is pleasure not avoidance. It's time to take control of what you eat and grow your way to better health.
Death in the Garden
Format: Paperback
Pages: 248
ISBN: 9781526708380
Pub Date: 26 Mar 2018

Format: Paperback

Pub Date: 26 Mar 2018

Pages: 248

ISBN: 9781526708380

Description: Mankind has always had a morbid fascination with poisonous plants; how their poisonous properties were discovered and developed will most likely be left unknown. Over the centuries poisonous plants have been used to remove garden pests, unwanted rivals and deceitful partners. They have also been used for their medicinal qualities, as rather dangerous cosmetics, even to help seduce a lover when perceived as an aphrodisiac. Some of these and other uses originate in a medieval book that has not yet been translated into English. Shamans and priests used these plants for their magical attributes, as a means to foretell the future or to commune with the gods. Discover how a pot of Basil helped to conceal a savage murder. Learn the truth about the mysterious mandrake, a real plant although many do not realise it. Jane Austen wrote a conundrum to entertain her family; the answer is one of the plants in the book. Will you be able to solve the mystery? Death In The Garden is based on Michael Brown’s most popular talk, popular as this subject holds a strange interest, for many will enjoy learning about these treacherous and peculiar plants, their defensive and deadly traits, as well as the folklore that has grown around them. This title will appeal to gardeners, horticulturalists, nature enthusiasts and anyone who holds an interest in this strange and enchanting corner of the garden. But be warned, many of these deathly plants may already be taking root in your very own garden…
Villager Jim's Bobbin Robin
Format: Hardback
Pages: 128
ISBN: 9781526706799
Pub Date: 13 Nov 2017

Format: Hardback

Pub Date: 13 Nov 2017

Pages: 128

ISBN: 9781526706799

Description: Over many years Jim has gained the trust of a number of special birds and animals who have gradually taken it as second nature that a member of their own small world is a large chap with a camera! Bobbin Robin and her friends have a huge social media audience, with tens of thousands of viewers following her weekly adventures from the RSPB and on Facebook. Bobbin the robin has now become rather adept at posing for Jim, perching on various platforms for wherever Jim sits in his garden. Open up the book to see the daily goings on of these wildlife friends in some of Jim’s very best pictures taken in this beautiful setting. They illustrate the close relationship Jim has formed with Bobbin and her friends. Jim's lively captions express the mood and spontaneous character of each individual shot and are an essential element of what makes his pictures so special.
Yearbook of Astronomy 2018
Format: Paperback
Pages: 298
ISBN: 9781526717412
Pub Date: 13 Nov 2017

Format: Paperback

Pub Date: 13 Nov 2017

Pages: 298

ISBN: 9781526717412

Description: The YEARBOOK OF ASTRONOMY 2018 is a book no stargazer should be without. Recognised by both amateurs and professionals alike as an indispensable guide to the night sky, the Yearbook of Astronomy is one of the only reference books to be fully revised each year. The Yearbook of Astronomy is one of the longest-running series of books on astronomy and the night sky. It first appeared way back in 1962 (well over half-a-century ago) and continues to be, as it was then, the main popular astronomy annual for amateur astronomers. For most of this time the Yearbook of Astronomy was edited by Patrick Moore. Forthcoming editions will endeavour to maintain the popular style and familiarity of previous editions, as well as offering its readers a new, invigorating and inspirational layout and presentation. The 2018 edition contains authoritative sky charts and detailed monthly sky notes that plot a clear path though the year’s eclipses, comets, meteor showers and deep sky objects. In addition the Yearbook of Astronomy features a variety of topical and specially commissioned articles covering a wide range of astronomy-related topics. Articles for the Yearbook of Astronomy 2018 include: Supermassive Black Holes by David M Harland Imaging Comets (astrophotography) by Damian Peach Double and Multiple Stars by John McCue Modern Video Astronomy by Steve Wainwright Is There Still a Place for Art in Astronomy? by David A Hardy A Year of Solar System Exploration 2016-2017 by Peter Rea Astronomy 2016-2017 by Rod Hine Anniversaries in 2018 by Neil Haggath Bursting with up-to-the-minute information, this collection is essential reading for anyone fascinated by the night sky . . .
A History of Birds
Format: Paperback
Pages: 160
ISBN: 9781526701558
Pub Date: 08 Nov 2017

Format: Paperback

Pub Date: 08 Nov 2017

Pages: 160

ISBN: 9781526701558

Description: Even the most well-informed wildlife enthusiast will be entertained by the stories and fascinating facts in the beautifully illustrated book. Our ancestors hunted, tamed, worshipped and depicted birds, and even bestowed magical properties upon them. Why did ancient writers consider the sparrow a lustful creature? Which bird was killed and hung up to predict the weather? And what was an 'arse-foot'? Wildlife photographer and history journalist Simon Wills explores the intriguing and at times bizarre stories behind our relationship with birds. Find out why robins feature on Christmas cards, and how Mozart was persuaded to keep a pet starling. What bird did Florence Nightingale carry around in her pocket? How did the blue tit get its name? Whole careers have been created around birds – from falconers to ostrich farmers – and birds have had great symbolic importance too. Discover, for example, why Raleigh bicycles carry a heron logo and why church lectems are in the shape of an eagle. If you enjoy wildlife, then this book is full of surprises. Pigeons were trained to carry messages in wartime, but could gulls be taught to hunt U-boats? And which American president's parrot started swearing at his funeral?
Villager Jim's Moorland Wildlife
Format: Hardback
Pages: 128
ISBN: 9781526706751
Pub Date: 13 Sep 2017

Format: Hardback

Pub Date: 13 Sep 2017

Pages: 128

ISBN: 9781526706751

Description: Villager Jim, the famous Peak District photographer, takes us on a journey to his very favourite places on the moors surrounding the Peak District National Park, where he lives. From wonderful wild deer to breathtaking buzzards and other birds of prey, Jim allows us a glimpse of his daily moorland travels with all the abundant wildlife that lives in that part of the world. Jim often concedes that it is his most favourite place on earth, being out alone with his camera within this unforgiving landscape, watching the sun rise on the horizon, whilst at the same time, seeing stags wander, grazing on the moorland. It is here also that many of his favourite birds of prey abound. And, of course, he is there to capture the beautiful landscape shots rolling in mists or washed in the golden light of dawn.
Villager Jim's Garden Wildlife
Format: Hardback
Pages: 128
ISBN: 9781526706713
Pub Date: 21 Jun 2017

Format: Hardback

Pub Date: 21 Jun 2017

Pages: 128

ISBN: 9781526706713

Description: Birds, bees, and a whole host of other flora and fauna that share Villager Jim’s garden in the tiny Peak District village of Foolow, are featured in this stunning book of photographs. Bobbin Robin is just one of the regular visitors to the garden; she and her friends have a huge social media audience, with tens of thousands of viewers. Open up the book to see the daily goings on of these wildlife friends in some of Jim’s very best pictures taken in this beautiful setting. They illustrate the close relationship Jim has formed with some of the regular wildlife visitors to his garden. His quirky captions capture the mood and spontaneous character of each individual shot and are an essential element of what makes Villager Jim’s pictures so special.
Storm Chaser
Format: Hardback
Pages: 202
ISBN: 9781473885851
Pub Date: 06 Jan 2017

Format: Hardback

Pub Date: 06 Jan 2017

Pages: 202

ISBN: 9781473885851

Description: The storms that cross the Great Plains of North America each spring are some of nature's most spectacular. They can also be some of the most dangerous. Most people who live in areas susceptible to these storms keep a close eye on the weather reports and take cover or evacuate when one is on the way. Storm chasers keep an even closer eye on the weather data, but for a different reason: they don't run away when they see a storm approaching, they follow it! Professional photographer and Emmy Award winner, Mike Olbinski has chased storms throughout his native Arizona, as well as even further afield, including Texas, Oklahoma, Kansas and Colorado. Whether he's photographing lightning, tornadoes or even cloud formations, his remarkable images are able to convey the awesome power and beauty of nature in its most dramatic and impressive forms. With over 100 stunning colour photographs, this book brings together some of Mike's most breath taking images from the past five years as he describes his love of the open road and the thrill of capturing the perfect storm on film.